Eagle River


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Run Name Class Current Flow Status
Riverbend to Edwards (Upper Eagle) III to IV- 248.0 CFS
@ 07-26-2024 17:30
Hit some laps
Avon Whitewater Park III 248.0 CFS
@ 07-26-2024 17:30
Hit some laps
Gilman Gorge IV to V 83.1 CFS
@ 07-26-2024 18:15
Too Low
Don't Bother
Dowd Chute III+ to IV+ 248.0 CFS
@ 07-26-2024 17:30
Too Low
Don't Bother
Lower Eagle (Edwards Water Plant to Eagle) III- to III+ 305.0 CFS
@ 07-26-2024 18:15
Too Low
Don't Bother
Eagle Source IV+ to V- 21.1 CFS
@ 07-26-2024 17:45
Too Low
Don't Bother