Site Map - Rapids for River American+River,+South+Fork

Rapid Beta - Click on a Link for Listings

Rapid River Run
Barking Dogs Honking Geese American River, South Fork Coloma to Greenwood - (C to G)
Cable Car Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge
Chili Bar Hole American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Current Divider Rapid American River, South Fork Coloma to Greenwood - (C to G)
Fowler's Rock Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge
Meatgrinder (Quarter Mile) Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Haystack Rapids American River, South Fork The Gorge
Highway Rapid American River, South Fork Coloma to Greenwood - (C to G)
Racehorse Bend (Sluice Box) Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Lost Hat Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge
Maya (Traffic Light) Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Swimmers Rapid American River, South Fork Coloma to Greenwood - (C to G)
Rock Garden Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Satan's Cesspool American River, South Fork The Gorge
African Queen Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Son of Satan's (Dead Man's Drop) American River, South Fork The Gorge
First Threat Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Scissors Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge
Lower Haystack Canyon American River, South Fork The Gorge
Second Threat Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Bouncing Rock Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge
Third Threat Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Triage (Pre-Op) Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge
Unnamed Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Hospital Bar American River, South Fork The Gorge
Mini Gorge Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Recovery Room Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge
Troublemaker (S-Turn) Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Old Scary Rapid American River, South Fork Chili Bar
Surprise Rapid American River, South Fork The Gorge