River and Whitewater Data Feeds

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Title Content Published Date Site Location
Whitewater Forum : Middle/Middle or other class III Author: superposer
Subject: Middle/Middle or other class III
Posted: 18 Oct 2016 at 12:25pm

5 ish to 515 anyone keen is welcome for middle middle tonight 10/18
Professor Paddle Washington, Oregon and vicinity
Dildo Rock + Noah's Ark = WTF Facts might be right, but your argument is bunk.. if you can't see that, then I can't argue with stupid... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Kayak Paddle in Grand Canyon We checked on 10/ 3 and no paddle. I'm sure it was picked up long before. Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Whitewater Forum : LCPUD 16Oct reply to boaters' complaints Author: ReneeCP
Subject: LCPUD 16Oct reply to boaters' complaints
Posted: 18 Oct 2016 at 1:34pm

Today we received notice that LCPUD filed with FERC its reply to boaters? concerns and complaints about lack of access to the lower Cispus River. LCPUD is required to provide access in accordance with its project license P-2833, Articles 42 and 17. LCPUD?s reply is five pages and is attached to the WKC General Announcement forum post. https://wakayakclub.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=2161&club_id=821680&item_id=644871
It can also be found under public documents section of WKC website.

Twelve complaints were filed with FERC between early Sept and mid Oct 2016 about lack of public access to the river. These comments were instrumental in alerting FERC that there is a genuine issue with lack of access, which ultimately resulted in LCPUD?s reply.

Unfortunately, the access issue is not yet resolved, however, discussions are moving in the right direction. Future public service announcements may be necessary in requesting your participation. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the email distribution for future discussions.

On behalf of WKC, all whitewater paddlers and the non-kayaking public, **thank you everyone**
for taking an active interest and participating. It is each of you who help to strengthen our community.

Greater western Washington has three current river issues needing your support?Sunset Falls, SF Skykomish River hydro-power diversion (SnoPUD), NF Skykomish road reconstruction/river access (agency unknown), and the lower Cispus River (LCPUD).
Professor Paddle Washington, Oregon and vicinity
Pyranha Nano What are your thoughts on the Pyranha Nano? I'm looking at this boat for paddling small creeks. My large volume creek boat (LL Jefe Grande) feels... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Northwest storms Smith R at Crescent City, CA hit a peak of almost 50,000 cfs on the 17th! Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Lost Oar Rig San Miguel My one big takeaway...er...maybe not the best phrasing, I was not involved nor nowhere near any of this incident. Lets see, the one lesson... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Dildo Rock + Noah's Ark = WTF ---Quote (Originally by skinnyfish)--- Facts might be right, but your argument is bunk.. if you can't see that, then I can't argue with stupid...... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Motor rigs are rafts too! ---Quote (Originally by Electric-Mayhem)--- Seems like a great small boat support rig....let me know if you ever want to let me come on a grand... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Unbelievable New Boat - Class V rated!!!! ---Quote (Originally by Electric-Mayhem)--- No friggin way that Pineview Falls is a class V rapid...IMHO, its a middling class IV at best. ---End... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Pyranha Nano A good friend of mine paddles one and I gave it a quick try. It's a really fun & nimble small boat. It's certainly a special kind of kayak but loads... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Unbelievable New Boat - Class V rated!!!! Have you ever noticed that his boats have a no refund or all sales final policy for boats on sale and they are always on sale :roll::shock::rolleyes: Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Dildo Rock + Noah's Ark = WTF Oh yeah, Skinnyfish, one more thing before I go. I did not mean to offend you. I say this because you remind me of a very few big feeling Guides... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
WINNER of "Capture the Rapture" WEEK TWO!! DRUM ROLL PLEASEÂ?Â?Â? We have the WINNER of WEEK 2 in our Â?Capture the RaptureÂ? photo contest! ItÂ?s not getting any easier to judge, keep those... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Northwest storms Illinois peaked at 17 and the Rogue 33. How does this compare, historically? Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Grand Canyon High Flow "Probably" Coming in November! The hydrograph at Phantom from Nov. 2014 event. USGS Current Conditions for USGS 09402500 COLORADO RIVER NEAR GRAND CANYON, AZ... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Lost GoPro I too have lost too many of them, tricks to retaining the next one. Where Is Baer ?: Lost GoPro?... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Lost Oar Rig San Miguel Your tale of woe has been written with both devotion and honor. Kanye's advice...haters gonna hate, just sit back and watch the thread views pile up. Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Dildo Rock + Noah's Ark = WTF I don't know who is arguing for what anymore but as far as making fun of Noah's it's fair game. Religion had it's day in the sun and decades if not... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Dildo Rock + Noah's Ark = WTF Curtis no butt hurt here, you are reading to hard. You let this stuff get to you, u might develope hypertension.. I like right line on 4th drop... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Best over night fishing trip? Looking to go on a week long fishing trip next spring/summer. I've heard some great things about the different branches of the flathead. Anyone have... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Pyranha Nano I loved the nano owned one for 2 seasons its very nimble moves/turns on a dime if ur running tight creeks, tracking is decent for how short it is not... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
10/28 or 10/29 Westwater - Can I join your trip? I'm hoping to get one last trip in before the snow flies and would like to join an overnight Westwater trip launching Fri. Oct 28 or Saturday the... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Whitewater Forum : LCPUD 16Oct reply to boaters' complaints Author: NateW
Subject: LCPUD 16Oct reply to boaters' complaints
Posted: 18 Oct 2016 at 8:47pm

Sounds like some great progress!
Professor Paddle Washington, Oregon and vicinity
Whiplash rapid, main salmon I've done it at close to 9' It's truly the gnarliest thing I've ever hit in a loaded boat. For reference, we tied up to the hand rail at buckskin... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Northwest storms The Rogue hit 90,000 last year, I am pretty sure the Illy has been over 50,000 before. Some guides ran the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue in... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
How would you repair this? Duct tape, bubble gum, bailing wire, and W-D 40 ( not necessarily in that order) Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Northwest storms The record for the Rogue is 290,000 cfs on December 23, 1964 on the Agness gauge. Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
2010 odyssey 14' raft. Questions regarding quality. I was skeptical til I did a main trip a few years ago with the distributor. Honest opinion is they are solid boats. Not an Aire, not junk. Somewhere... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Best Campsite for Ruby-Horsethief Run? Cottenwood #5 the first night Blackrocks #5 the second Mee corner is the only good campsite in the Mee camps. The rest are just straight out in... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Best over night fishing trip? Hard question but just for fishing you could go Green in UT, upper Green in WY and South Fork of the Snake in ID. Relatively close to you and... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Grand Canyon 2017 - Nine Launch Dates Available Now! This is from the Grand Canyon River Permits Office. Good luck to everyone! We have just opened a follow-up lottery for 2017 launch dates at the... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Northwest storms Nevertheless, by any standards big water. Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Dildo Rock + Noah's Ark = WTF This all boils down to running a private trip with a commercial name or your raft. They know they were suppose to tape over the name. It's the same... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Lost Oar Rig San Miguel Wayward. Perhaps you could elaborate on the actual salvage and or recovery of the boat and gear. I believe this could be helpful to others finding... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Unbelievable New Boat - Class V rated!!!! ---Quote (Originally by [email protected])--- Have you ever noticed that his boats have a no refund or all sales final policy for boats on sale... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Best over night fishing trip? The south fork is awesome - we did it in 2007 in mid july at low water and fishing was epic. There are several routes in, ours was supposed to be 25... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Lost Oar Rig San Miguel Regarding stream access in Montana. Kristin Juras running for Supreme Court in Montana has said she opposes stream access. So does Zinke. Remember... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Best Campsite for Ruby-Horsethief Run? Mee 1 also has a big cottonwood, and Mee Canyon has a beach, an eddy to swim in, and some bushes/small trees. Mee 2-4 are awful for sure though. Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Northwest storms Whoa, thanks for the intel, puts things in perspective. I remember seeing a marker high up on the cliff above the Klamath R road which showed a high... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Lost Oar Rig San Miguel ---Quote (Originally by caverdan)--- elkhaven....have they changed your speed limits yet? ---End Quote--- oh yeah! Then they took away our right... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
How low can you go? - Woody Creek Canyon on the Roaring Fork Thanks all. I ran Browns a few days ago, still plenty of water. Just got back from Moab, the daily stretch was semi-entertaining. I might just stay... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Save on Fall Off-Season Pricing at RBW We are offering our custom frame packages at off-season prices! Be ready for Spring fishing or whitewater. Call and see what we can build for you.... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Best over night fishing trip? Chucker Trail is a hike but not bad as a put-in. Then spend at least two nights to float/fish down to Pleasure Park at the confluence. Logistics are... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Grand Canyon FEB 2017 Hello! I am looking for a handful of oarsmen to do a cost-shared trip down the canyon in February (cost about 1400$ pp if you have all your... Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Whitewater Forum : LCPUD 16Oct reply to boaters' complaints Author: ReneeCP
Subject: LCPUD 16Oct reply to boaters' complaints
Posted: 19 Oct 2016 at 9:47am

Unfortunately, not the progress that is needed, but at least boater comments forced a direct response from LCPUD, which is an improvement from all smoke and mirrors.

I'm not current with many of the discussions, like alternate take-out options, but when I read the first section of the reply, my blood pressure rises. LCPUD says FERC only required them to provide a take-out location, but never intended road access to said take-out location.

Why FERC can't see this as a problem is beyond my comprehension.
Professor Paddle Washington, Oregon and vicinity
Whitewater Forum : Sweet 3+/ 4 run Sky Valley. Lower Tye Author: megspk
Subject: Sweet 3+/ 4 run Sky Valley. Lower Tye
Posted: 19 Oct 2016 at 10:42am

I'd like to get on this too Ansel!
Professor Paddle Washington, Oregon and vicinity
Whitewater Forum : What's ailing Eagle Falls? Author: Slackkinhard
Subject: What's ailing Eagle Falls?
Posted: 19 Oct 2016 at 11:00am

Anybody have any thoughts about this stuff?  Or any others?
Professor Paddle Washington, Oregon and vicinity
Beartrap saturday Really? Where are all you Bozemanites? The forecast is gorgeous, fall is gorgeous, my favorite time on the Trap. Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else
Lost Oar Rig San Miguel ---Quote (Originally by elkhaven)--- ... Next came the no open container law while driving. It just never stops! ---End Quote--- ^^^^ lol.. Mountain Buzz Colorado, Western US and everywhere else